Alopecia: All You Need To Know About Baldness
March 8, 2019 Blog

Baldness has overtime been wrongly associated with only old age or men. This hair condition is actually an ‘equal opportunity’ condition, i.e. it can affect almost anyone. Also known as Alopecia, baldness is simply the loss of considerable hair. Everyone sheds about 100 hairs every day as part of the hair growth cycle, but when the lost hair is not being replaced over time leaving the area hairless, it can be said that one is bald.
There are so many reasons why one can go bald. Some of these reasons are:

  1. Harsh Hairstyles or Treatments
    Certain incorrectly use chemicals or hairstyles that pull the hair into tight styles like cornrows can scar the hair follicles and make the hair to fall off. Sometimes, this hair loss can be permanent, depending on the level of damage done to the follicles.
  2. Nutritional Deficits
    Eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, insufficient protein, vitamin or mineral intake and heavy dieting can stun the hair follicles and cause them to cease growth. This will no doubt lead to baldness.
  3. Ageing
    This is very natural and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. It is one of the processes of ageing. The hair loss usually differs in man and women; women do not usually go completely, the only loose hair on the top of the hair or temples but men are more likely to go completely bald.
  4. Illness or Surgery
    The stress of certain illness or undergoing certain medical surgeries like chemotherapy can lead to massive hair loss. There is even a condition called alopecia areata that causes rapid body-wide hair loss. Sadly, this condition has no cure,
  5. Hormonal Imbalance
    In women, hormonal shifts from pregnancy, menopause, childbirth can cause more hair follicles to enter the dormant phase and thus, result in hair loss.

The effects of baldness on a person are more psychological than physical. Most of the people that suffer from it tend to lose confidence in their appearance and even plunge into depression in some cases. Studies have shown that women tend to suffer the psychological effects of hair loss more as they have a harder time adjusting to the reality that they are going bald.
Fortunately, some of these cases of hair loss can be treated or managed. Here are some of the ways to deal with hair loss:

  1. Hair Weaves or Wigs
    These can come in handy for cancer patients especially. Wigs and weaves can be used to cover the hair completely or cover a certain part of the hair that is experiencing hair loss, restoring the appearance of a full head of hair.
  2. Surgery
    Men are usually better candidates for hair surgeries or transplants because their hair loss is usually limited to one or two areas of the scalp. As discussed in one of our previous articles, this procedure includes grafting which transplants hair from one part of the scalp to the part in need of it.
  3. Anti-inflammatory Medications
    Some prescription creams or injections can calm follicles that have been damaged or inflamed by harsh chemicals, excessive pulling or tight hairstyles.
  4. Therapies
    People who have a hard time dealing with the reality of badness are usually advised to visit therapists to help them adjust to their new realities.
  5. Cease Using Harsh Products and Hairstyles
    Since some chemicals and hairstyles are harmful to the hair follicles, it is only right that people experiencing hair loss as a result of these cease carrying out these actions, so as to give the follicles a chance at healing.

At one point or the other, everybody would have to deal with baldness. Do you have other suggestions on hair loss that we did not state above? Feel free to make use of the comment section and share it with other readers.

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