January 23, 2019 Blog

Split Ends is probably one of the most common complaint women have. Women with long and short hair struggle with this issue. However, almost everyone knows that a haircut is the only solution for split ends, they do not really know how these split ends occur and how to prevent them. Split ends or Trichoptilosis can also be a genetic condition.

What are split ends?

It is a hair condition where a strand of hair is split into two or more fragments. The splitting of the hair is a type of hair damage that begins near the ends of the hair shaft. In severe cases where the hair strand splits into multiple ends, it gives a very ragged unhealthy looking mop of hair.

Causes of Split Ends

Split ends occur for several reasons, and are caused by several factors.

  1. Use of strong and high chemical concentrated shampoos,
  2. Frequent hair coloring,
  3. Combing the hair too vigorously can also damage the hair.
  4. When too much thermal or chemical stress is put on the hair, it reacts by becoming too coarse, loses sheen or develops split ends.
  5. The appliances used in heating the hair, either by straightening, curling, perming, blow drying the hair, end up sucking the natural moisture out of the hair follicles, leaving the hair dry and brittle.

How to Detect Split Ends

The hair should be checked regularly in order to detect split ends.

  1. You should be able to recognize split ends. Split ends are usually found at the tips of the hair.
  2. It is advisable to be in the habit of closely looking at your hair once a week. In so doing, you can really notice the split ends early before they spread up the length of the strand.
  3. It is also important to talk with your hair stylist, to examine your hair for different types of split ends, which can either be multiple splits, baby splits, long or deep splits, feather splits or double Y splits.

Split Ends can be Treated

  1. Use the right type of shampoo and conditioner
  2. Use a deep conditioning hair mask and deep condition regularly
  3. Apply hair serum and protective oils on the ends of the hair
  4. Brush the hair properly to avoid tearing the hair
  5. Eat balanced diets. Eat plenty of Protein-containing foods, vitamin and Biotin-rich foods
  6. Avoid the application of products that are highly chemically concentrated on the hair
  7. Avoid heat styling the hair very frequently
  8. Use protective sprays or lotion when you do.


  1. Protect your hair from too much heat and extreme sun rays
  2. Always protect your hair before swimming in a pool
  3. Reduce hair over-processing (application of dye, relaxers etc)
  4. Avoid the use of tight hair accessories. Use hair-friendly accessories.
  5. Make use of a heat protectant when heat styling. Natures Gentle Touch Argan Oil for split ends to seal your hair tips after trimming.
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